The Utica High School Home Page

Utica is a small school in northern Ness County. We have 30 kids in the High School. The school has been open since 1921.

Utica High School combines their football team with the Healy Eagles. Their games are played both at Utica and Healy. The cooperative agreement has been in effect since 1989.

The gym in our school is unique. All of the classrooms are located around the gym. You could say it is the center of attention.

This is the woods area in the shop. Students make various items ranging from chairs to dressers to tables. The Carpentry class has built several large structures including garages, tool sheds, and a greenhouse for the Horticulture class.

This is a view of our Business room, which includes a computer lab, internet, and a Tech lab. In Tech classes the students build cars, bridges, electric circuits, and reassemble engines. They can also use the milling machine to carve glass.